Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Jaital Tours... on a mission to educating our children!

Children are our future and Education is one of the main factor that contributes to a brighter tomorrow.  The team of Jaital has embarked on a mission to foster the growth and development of our children's future in Jamaica.

Our mission is to provide generous school supplies and much needed items for less fortunate children on the island.  The team of Jaital is excited to have the chance to help these children in our community weather the crises in their lives, their peers and the whole learning environment by giving them the assurance that someone cares.
All of this would not have been possible without the generous contributions from our past guest. The team of Jaital would like to say a special "THANK YOU" to those guest who brought donations with them while visiting Jamaica.

For those of you planning to visit Jamaica, please help the children by bringing school supplies (pens, pencils, pencil sharpeners, erasers, paper, crayons, colored pencils, rulers, colored markers, construction paper, glue sticks, children’s scissors, backpacks) with you. Our staff will be more than happy to accept these items. If your not planning on visiting and would like to donate, please send us a message by using the "Contact Jaital" form on this page.

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